Wednesday, April 29, 2009

17 Weeks Update!

We're 17 weeks pregnant today! (Jeff keeps reminding me that he's pregnant too, haha) Each week is like a new exciting milestone for us. We always read the baby's new developments together at the beginning of each week and it always gives us so much more to learn and talk about. This week sweat glands are starting to develop!

I went to the doctor yesterday for the first time without Jeff because he couldn't go at the last minute but he didn't miss too much. I complained to the doctor about being nauseous all the time and went through my whole list of other complaints. Then I got to hear the baby's heart beat with the machine, but no ultrasound. My next appointment on May 19 is the next ultrasound, so we don't have to wait too long.

I had to get more blood work done for a few extra tests and another thyroid check. I feel like the people at LabCorp are going to know me by name pretty soon with how often I'm there! I still haven't felt the baby moving but I'm really anxious for that to happen. I keep reading about what it will feel like to make sure I recognize the feeling.

And finally, baby shower preparations are underway. Jeff will be joining the army reserves and leaving for boot camp. Since he would like to be involved with the baby shower we decided to have it right before he leaves which will probably be at the end of May, but we don't know for sure yet. I was originally thinking it would be in August but luckily my baby shower planner is flexible! Hopefully my belly will get a little bigger in the next month before the shower :P

1 comment:

  1. Right around the 18th week is when I started feeling a *little* something. I had to really concentrate when I was laying in bed at night & it was a really faint feeling.

    I told my mom that I wanted my baby shower to be like a regular party. I didn't just want all women, I wanted their men to come too, & I wanted it at her house in June since it will be nice outside & we can have it on the deck. Even tho I told her how I wanted my baby shower she isn't telling me the date :D Since I told her I wanted it in June I wouldn't be surprised if she has it in May to try & throw me off.
    Sometime during between my 18th & 20th week is when my belly really popped. My little cousin said the same thing too (she's due a few days after me) so I'm sure you'll be showing by the end of the month!
